Sunday, October 17, 2010

More shrinkage!

It was a great week! Lots of stuff going on at work, a couple great workouts at Crossfit St. Paul, all followed by an awesome weekend.

I was really disappointed I couldn't make the trip out to Madison this weekend to catch the amazing football game against "the" Ohio State, but it did get started off well bright and early (well more like barely light out, but whatever) Saturday morning, and getting to see our friend Claus hit 110# of weight lost at Weight Watchers. Its inspiring. If I hadn't been slacking, I'd practically be at my goal. Glad I'm back on track now. I was able to work out a 2.8lb loss my own self, as was Jeff.

The big changer for me this week, was taking the time Saturday and Sunday last week, to make a few meals and have plenty to take with me for work lunches. A nice meatza started it off, along with some burgers on the grill, and fresh home grown butternut squash.

So the Paleo food has been working out well for me this week. And one of the next blog updates will be a quick and dirty primer on what it means to eat Paleo and why you should be doing it. I'll try to give you all enough information to see why its good, while also showing you some places to go to learn about it more from smarter people then me.

This week was also pretty good for workouts. Following a previous week that beat up my back a bit, this week went better. I still find workouts can induce some swelling, which irritates my scared nerve, but continuing to clean up my eating, and upping my fish oil intake, will help reduce all that unwanted inflammation. More on that in the Paleo Primer to come. We had a nasty Deadlift and Burpee workout, but a new Yoga class the following night helped stretch things out a bit. And Thursday was a big night, with a really hard 30 minute AMRAP. That's "as many reps as possible" in 30 minutes. But more fun, was Thursday nights barbell club! We worked the Clean & Jerk this week, after a few weeks of working Snatches. Hehehe. This leads me to another upcoming blog topic, which will be a Crossfit and Olympic weightlifting primer. And rather then why you should do it, it'll be more of why I love it. One point is competitiveness, and another is the fun of learning new skills. I mention this, because at the last couple weeks of barbell club, following weeks of working the skills, I've been hitting more and more PR's (personal records) for lifts. Granted I'm not pushing things super hard because of my back, but still its challenging to get the timing down for all these lifts. And below was my PR from this week, at 215#, after failing twice, Tyler decided to video everyone to show us how high were getting the bar, and that we shouldn't be missing these.

Remember, I'm still learning these. And yes, I did like a half of a mini split jerk, but admittedly that's one of the parts I really need to work next anyways. I'm mostly shoulder pressing it anyways.

I'm also still trying to workout how to share my food logs, or if I'm going to. And how to do a weight tracker, to show progress. I did add some of my favorite links along the side now too.

This week looks to be even busier as we finish prepping the Bear Patrol Chumpcar for a track day at Road America in Wisconsin, but the following week I should have plenty of time to work on blog posts from the hotel during a business trip.

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great lift, Greg! After watching it a few more times, I can say a couple things: first, there are a few mechanical errors we can easily fix this Thursday, but second, get your FS up and you'll be moving some serious weight in no time - you've got a lot left in the tank.
